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Results that matter. To hear the successes & outcomes, connects me to the joy of why I do, what I do.

What starts with a conversation to make a change, the step-by-step discovery inspires me every day. I am humbled & grateful for their trust, their sharing and for all, they teach me from their individual greatness.


Small Steps Big Impact

Results that matter. To hear the successes & outcomes, connects me to the joy of why I do, what I do. What starts with a conversation to make a change, the step-by-step discovery inspires me every day. I am humbled & grateful for their trust, their sharing and for all, they teach me from their individual greatness.

A congruent supporter who stretched my thinking and held me fully accountable to make the progress i needed for significant change around my approach to my business. Powerful insights around how i operated & why i was drained. I got myself out a hole, moving more effectively & with revised focus & motivation. I believe that i have become a more effective leader with a healthier approach across all hours of the day. 12 months later in im still moving up - don't hesitate.

Sam | Finance Director | KLPowerful Insights

Initially a cynic and became a convert. I hit a wall at 43. Doing nothing about change was weighing heavily on my shoulders. When i first met Sarah, i was masking depressive phases, lying to myself and the world. With her belief in a different future, I was able to understand my patterns driven by fear of failing. Best feedback came when my wife said "i've got you back” I'm a happier, healthier husband, dad and friend" Thankful to be this side with a boat load of energy for my relationships and my business. I have learnt to cut myself some slack and become a much kinder person to myself. Thanks Sarah for your patience & tenacity to have my back. Coffee in person when you are back in UK. C

Chris P | Fund Manager | London, UKInitially a cynic - now a convert.

I needed a reset. I was on burnt out, grumpy, knackered, felt guilty eating & drinking for comfort.
My investment on a 14-day Reset and the 90-day Fatigue programme got me to the start line of personal transformation. I know my body + myself better than i ever have. I deleted old habits + started new healthier ones. I have dropped 2 dress sizes over 12 months - not because of any diet - simple choices. Sarah kept me focussed on what i needed to own for myself. I needed a Health Coach to STOP relying on others for my health and happiness + START living freely as myself and understand how Self Care is vital. It's not always easy - i'm worth it - it's worth every step. They were small at times - that mantra never left my head. Big Impact! So grateful Sarah for holding that light for me to see my future.

Cheryl K. | Accountant | AustraliaSelf Care is Vital

Sarah takes a caring yet stretch approach and had me focussed on my "what" and "how".
This is a no nonsense partnership knowing what i wanted and how to get it.
No fads - no diets just choices and changing habits. My story? 3 kids, work P/T developing my side hustle. Stressed out, massive expectations on myself and others, high standards causing to loose sight of my priorities. It took me a while to see my perfectionism habit! Sarah, your calm consistent belief in me has been fuel for my soul. Being able to accept our work-in-progress has been freedom. I've slowed right down and stopped trying to do it all alone. My confidence to ask for help has changed my world. Your wisdom has been hugely appreciated,

Miriam | Auckland | NZA no nonsense partnership

The number of times i heard myself say 'I'll be happy when.....' ...i never was. From a Purpose & Vision Skills Lab to 90-day Mind, Food & Mood Transformation. I was able to articulate what i really wanted, my frustrations and how my health was connected to my mind & my mood. That awareness was a major step forward. Sarah guided me to connect the dots to work out how i could make daily decisions around my lifestyle habits and do things differently. Taking small steps moved me from being painfully stuck to fabulously free. The results have been significant in my approach to my health impacting positiley all aspects of my wellbeing. It IS all connected. My heart, my health and my mind are deeply grateful for your caring approach that kept me going on those days when i could not fly. Katie x

Katie P. | Tauranga NZFrom Painfully Stuck to Fabulously Free

Sarah’s thought-provoking questions helped me to know me. I know they needed asking. Working together has helped me to look at different perspectives and access more of ME. You learn very quickly how much Sarah loves her work as the energy and pace is contagious. Her caring approach and knowledge have unlocked options that I was too scared to bring to the surface. Sarah really knows her stuff.

Frances TNew Zealand

I was not myself and melting down in overwhelm. Working with Sarah was one of the best investments of 2018. I learnt i was far from broken. I was in paralysis with a procrastination habit causing me to be stressed and afraid.. Sarah skilfully listened and guided me to look beyond the weeds. I always left ready for action - motivated, focused and reconnected. Great work continues & now Sarah is supporting our overwhelmed daughter. Keep it in the family!

Chris K | New ZealandBusiness Owner

If you are ready for transforming yourself then you’ve found the right place. I found the courage to make serious changes that got me back from the brink of burnout. I finally had the guts to talk up, stand up for me and take action.

James CTeacher | New Zealand

I can’t remember my life without my 2 new friends - healthy boundaries & understanding self-care. I know how brilliant it feels to get out of my own way. I feel amazing. 5 Stars to inspire others to try it on. Grateful for Sarah's presence and experiences that i can keep trying on.

Paige NNew Zealand

Sarah has a bucket load of skills that helped me to find the courage to put myself first. I am not always sure how I get to where I get to, I know having a resource that believes in me in the way that Sarah cares is immensely powerful and would recommend to anyone who wants to own their future. An investment that im glad i made. I'm going back for more.

Stuart B | UKGoing Back for More

Believed in me so passionately, i learnt how to take steps to truly become myself. An experience that i could never have done on my own. No more glass ceilings - anywhere!
Lianne P - Sydney, Australia.

Lianne P | Sydney, Australia.No more glass ceilings

More than great. Giving myself time was unfamiliar terrain. Instead of doing the coal face show case every day, I wanted time to think more, do more and be more. Sarah's resources enabled me to consider perspective for a breadth of options in business and in my personal life. Recommending Tides of Change for anyone seeking to transform inner thoughts into outer action.

Mark Hel. | KLPerspective

I am extremely thankful for Sarah's input over 6 months as i transitioned to my first Leadership role. With you I learned to listen more, stay curious, keep note of where i was investing my energy, i was more focused on what i needed to get done; I could keep my inner fear of failing in check &became less self critical and more open to feedback and empowering the crew. Confidently refer peers & team members who will benefit from this investment.

Chris A. | Christchurch NZBecame less self critical and more open to feedback

Life Coaching

When we work together, your life changes

Health Coaching

Vitality & Habit Change

Leadership & Career Coaching

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
John Maxwell
“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
John Maxwell

Experience your more in 3 easy steps

1. Discover

Experience 60 minutes focused only on you to Explore your Choices, Create Limitless Possibilities for your New Horizons.

2. Nourish

Explore safe conversations that enable you to navigate your chart and surf your WAVE with ease and flow.

3. Thrive

Celebrate progress NOT perfection. Practicing Habit Change & Failing means you are taking action and growing. Small Steps - BIG Impact

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .