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Creating Change Together

We embrace your ‘perfectly imperfect’
to navigate your
CIO’s (Challenge-Inspiration- Opportunity)
& support your
CEO’s (Challenge- Encourage-Opportunity)
& surf by your side on your WAVEs.


Creating Change Together

We embrace your ‘perfectly imperfect’ to navigate your CIO’s (Challenge-Inspiration- Opportunity) & support your CEO’s (Challenge- Encourage Opportunity) & surf by your side on your WAVEs.

We are on your team

When you create an everyday that is aligned to purposeful authentic outcomes – you Discover a way to BE with the freedom to access your MORE.

You connect to your inner game to appreciate yourself more & access your more in what you do,  how you do it whilst you have more fun.

That elevates every aspect of your everyday and makes an impact on the future of the world you live in.

Imagine THAT being your reality?

I have connected with so many men and women who choose to lead their lives from a place of OVER or UNDER indulgence.

These lifestyle habits include:

  • Over Working
  • Over Thinking
  • Over Whelmed
  • Over Surfing
  • Over Giving
  • Over Medicating
  • Over Eating
  • Over Drinking

These lifestyle habits include:

  • Over Working
  • Over Thinking
  • Over Whelmed
  • Over Surfing
  • Over Giving
  • Over Medicating
  • Over Eating
  • Over Drinking

At the same time as being UNDER Slept, UNDER Performing & UNDER Happy

In turn, that means often stuck in habits of:

  • Procrastination
  • People-pleasing
  • Paralysis
  • Perfectionism

All whilst on the verge of burnout running a belief system of not feeling enough.

I get it – because that is part of my story. The significance of that is I know how this rolls and have first-hand knowledge that by investing in yourself – you create the right support, the right systems, and the right actions.

It’s my ‘why’ for founding Tides of Change & collaborating as The WAVE Collab – to help you create short-cuts to your progress and avoiding the pain of staying stuck.

We work with your self-discovery.

We don’t have the answers for you – we help you access what is innately available to you.

As Catalysts & lifelong learners, we walk the talk too.

For us, Work in Progress means ongoing UP-levelling!
Why let any destination be final?
We consider any destination as a holiday whilst we write the postcard, reset and consider what’s next.

We continually invest in our own development and Coaching to keep pace with our own growth and evolution. EVERYone needs a place to unpack.

We can integrate our learnings & innovation so we can be our best – for you.

Our world will never stop changing – how you grow and evolve within it – is on you. 

If you want to know more about my story, click here to GET TO KNOW.

Sarah Linton Signature

Life Coaching

When we work together, your life changes

Health Coaching

Vitality & Habit Change

Leadership & Caareer Coaching

Integrating our Values & giving back.

Two ways we are committed to making an impact in the wider world:


  • 10 % Time Volunteering

  • Plastic Free Oceans.


Learn more below.

Integrating our values & giving back

Two ways we are committed to making an impact in the wider world:


  • 10 % Time Volunteering

  • Plastic Free Oceans.


Learn more below.

10% Time Volunteering

We allocate 10% of our working week as Volunteers partnering with the below organisations.

We believe that the value of what we do changes lives & supports ultimate Wellbeing. We are committed to creating access for caregivers, teachers & students.

We design formats & packages with payment plans to make them financially accessible – Get in touch HERE to discuss your requirements.

10% Time Volunteering

We allocate 10% of our working week as Volunteers partnering with the below organisations.

Because we believe in the value of what we do, we are committed to creating access for caregivers, teachers & students.

We design formats & packages with payment plans to make it financially accessible – Get in touch HERE to discuss your requirements.

Sustainability & Plastic Free Oceans

Sustainability is most often defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Made up of three pillars: the economy, society, and the environment, it is also more informally referred to as 3 P’s – Profit, People, and Planet.

We support & collaborate with organisations who are creating change & doing their part for our PLANET with a focus on:

  • ZERO WASTE – Recycle, Refillable, Reusable, Compostable

At Tides of Change & The WAVE.Co.NZ the OCEANS of the world have been part of our inspiration and close to our hearts.

We can make a difference.

We donate to and are members of:
Greenpeace Aoteoroa – Break Free from Plastic

It’s easy to feel paralysed in the face of a mega global challenge – working out how 1 person can contribute to change.

You can.

We can all make a difference in our own small way.
Think about the compound effect of a collective.
There are many things we can all do to make a difference, and we can get started right away.

See our Blog – 6 ways you can impact the Oceans – Say no to Single use plastics.

As a family, we have always been both inspired by & deeply moved by the Natural History programmes & their impact.

Sir David Attenborough has been one of my fantasy dinner party guests for 3 decades – when he said “How could I look my grandchildren in the eye and say what I knew what was happening – and I did nothing?” ..the world is listening.

We want to be part of global solutions to tackle the impact of plastic pollution.

Step-by-Step in our everyday. Small Steps Big Impact.

Sustainability & Plastic Free Oceans

Sustainability is most often defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Made up of three pillars: the economy, society, and the environment, it is also more informally referred to as 3 P’s – Profit, People, and Planet.

We support & collaborate with organisations who are creating change & doing their part for our PLANET with a focus on:

  • ZERO WASTE – Recycle, Refillable, Reusable, Compostable

At Tides of Change & The WAVE.Co.NZ close to our hearts is the OCEANS.
We can make a difference.

We donate to and are members of:
Greenpeace Aoteoroa – Break Free from Plastic

It’s easy to feel paralysed in the face of a mega global challenge – working out how 1 person can contribute to change. You can.
We can all make a difference in our own small way. The compound effect is major. There are many things we can all do to make a difference, and we can get started right away.

See our Blog – 6 ways you can impact the Oceans – Say no to Single use plastics.

As a family we have always been both inspired by & deeply moved by the Natural History programmes & their impact.

Sir David Attenborough has been one of my fantasy dinner party guests for 3 decades – when he said “How could I look my grandchildren in the eye and say what I knew what was happening – and I did nothing?” ..the world is listening.

We want to be part of global solutions to tackle the impact of plastic pollution.
Step-by-Step in our everyday.

Greenpeace Plastic Free Oceans

Tides Of Change core Values are

Tides Of Change core Values are

Experience your more in 3 easy steps

1. Discover

Experience 60 minutes focused only on you to Explore your Choices, Create Limitless Possibilities for your New Horizons.

2. Nourish

Explore safe conversations that enable you to navigate your chart and surf your WAVE with ease and flow.

3. Thrive

Celebrate progress NOT perfection. Practicing Habit Change & Failing means you are taking action and growing. Small Steps - BIG Impact

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .