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You deserve a Unique Approach.

You are Unique. One size does NOT fit all. Tailored experiences to create the impact you want.

TOC Packages

Our Vision

Catalysts for change: ONE conversation at a time.
Creating ripples for your individual WAVE – Wisdom And Vitality Everyday.

Small Steps – BIG Impact

Our Mission

For us to expand in creativity, love & resourcefulness so that inspiring epic humans own their zone and can do the same.

Sustainable Change takes time.

  • At Tides Of Change and The Wave, we tailor our content to your uniqueness and for the needs of your business.

We get curious around your biggest challenge or area you want to impact.
We take your lead on where you want to go to create the impact you want.
Commitment to continually grow and evolve our Resource Centre for us to be agile & current with content.

Our packages are time – based and designed to elevate your future.

Sarah Linton Signature

Catalyst Accelerator

- 121 with your Catalyst Coach (you book 4 x 60 mins).
- Concepts resources, outcomes & ideas in your evolving journal.
- Pre-session recap on learnings & actions.
- 1 x additional 30 min phone/zoom for when the Tides get high.

Catalyst Connect

-121 with your Catalyst coach (you book 2 x 60 mins).
- Concepts, resources, outcomes & ideas captured in your evolving journal.
-Pre-session recap on learnings & actions.
-1 x additional 30 min phone/zoom for when the Tides get high.

Catalyst Boost

- All the above for 6 months.
- (Save 15%)

Catalyst Transform

- All the above for 12 months.
- (Save 25%)

Catalyst Exponential

- All the above for 12 months.
- Plus 2 x additional coaching sessions (you book 4 x 60 mins).
- Plus unlimited emails.
- (Save 18%).

  • A PWC study shows a x7 ROI.
  • Regular weekly or fortnightly coaching yields the most significant exponential growth and outcomes.

Skills LABS & Events

  • 6 monthly in-person Skills labs & Events.
  • Fully immersive experiences to Reset, Decide & Act.
  • We collaborate with aligned partners who join us to activate your senses as we take care of you.
  • Attendees are invited to join The Wave Circle – a mastermind oasis to keep growing.
  • Available as Guest Facilitators for Retreats & Events

Experience your more in 3 easy steps

1. Discover

Experience 60 minutes focused only on you to Explore your Choices, Create Limitless Possibilities for your New Horizons.

2. Nourish

Explore safe conversations that enable you to navigate your chart and surf your WAVE with ease and flow.

3. Thrive

Celebrate progress NOT perfection. Practicing Habit Change & Failing means you are taking action and growing. Small Steps - BIG Impact

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .