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When we work together, your life changes

YOU are the expert on you
& what you want.

WE are the experts at
connecting to your
Wisdom and Insights.

YOU discover how to
use your resources
create meaningful change
so you can thrive.

TOC Seal Small Steps Big Impact

When we work together, your life changes

YOU are the expert on yourself & what you want. WE are the experts at connecting to your Wisdom and Insights. YOU discover how to use your resources to create meaningful change so you can thrive.

What is Life Coaching?

TOC Seal Small Steps Big Impact

What is Life Coaching?

When you change how you think, you change how you feel and you change how you experience the outside world.


Life Coaching :


  • Is a collaborative partnership
  • Creates MEANINGFUL CHANGE within a trusted relationship.
  • Holds space to unpack challenges & access solutions
  • Is a process not an event which involves learning, unlearning and relearning
  • Creates Accountability, Action & Impact.
  • Increases your menu of options so that you can move forward and create change in your everyday.
  • Shifts you from facing a challenge and feeling STUCK where life is happening to you (victim/stress response) TO Creating CHOICES, where life is happening FOR you (relax response )


Life coaching is NOT therapy – it is Business development with YOU as the business


A Life Coach works with your 3 Brains (head, heart and your gut) in the same way as a personal trainer will work with your physical form.


When you have CHOICE – you have Opportunities & Freedom.


  • You feel liberated & can access your innate resourcefulness with ease.
  • You can honour yourself & set boundaries that continually boost your vitality.
  • You Decide how you are, what you do, and how you do it.


Transforming ‘LIFE’ into your ‘EVERYDAY’


At Tides of Change & The, as your Catalysts, we transform the concept of LIFE into your EVERYDAY.

Why? Because references as LIFE can feel too scary – too much – that creates more overwhelm & you stop you taking action.

Our step-by-step approach sets you up for inevitable success to manage your desires in bite-size chunks.

YOU get clarity on where YOU can create the impact YOU want.

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

The power of coaching


Percent improvement to self confidence


Percent improvement to Relationships


Percent improvement to Communication


Percent improvement to Work Performance
Source: ICF Global Coaching Study 2020
Transforming ‘LIFE’ into your ‘EVERYDAY’
Transforming ‘LIFE’ into your ‘EVERYDAY’

Who needs a Life Coach?

Winners who want even more out of life.


  • Leaders who want to uplevel their impact.
  • Humans who want to grow and create change in their everyday
  • Change makers who want their voice to be listened to safely as they navigate change or challenge.
  • Motivated option seekers who want to access their MORE:

MORE of these:

  • Self Expression
  • Clarity & Focus
  • Personal Insights
  • Vulnerability
  • Momentum
  • Energy
  • Self Care
  • Self Efficacy
  • Self Compassion
  • Contentment
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Gratitude
  • Joyfulness
  • Fun
  • Love for yourself & others
  • Empowerment

And way LESS of this:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Striving
  • Procrastination
  • People Pleasing
  • Paralysis
  • Pain
  • Unfulfillment
  • Dissatisfaction

MORE of these:

  • Self Expression
  • Clarity & Focus
  • Personal Insights
  • Vulnerability
  • Momentum
  • Energy
  • Self Care
  • Self Efficacy
  • Self Compassion
  • Contentment
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Gratitude
  • Joyfulness
  • Fun
  • Love for yourself & others
  • Empowerment

And way LESS of this:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Striving
  • Procrastination
  • People Pleasing
  • Paralysis
  • Pain
  • Unfulfillment
  • Dissatisfaction

Imagine operating from a place of your MORE?

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Why invest in Life Coaching?

When you work with us – your everyday changes.


When you invest in yourself – you create shifts & create more of what you really want. For you and your business.

Through Active Inquiry, a Life Coach will enable you to:

Believed in me so passionately, i learnt how to take steps to truly become myself. An experience that i could never have done on my own. No more glass ceilings - anywhere!
Lianne P - Sydney, Australia.

Through Active Inquiry, a Life Coach will enable you to:

Believed in me so passionately, i learnt how to take steps to truly become myself. An experience that i could never have done on my own. No more glass ceilings - anywhere!
Lianne P - Sydney, Australia.

Your Big 5


You can own your magic in your self-leadership that will impact and create ripples
on your 5 Cornerstones of your Everyday:


1. Vitality / Energy

Healthy habits change your mind, body, and soul


2. Role / Career / Business

Business / Career development / Navigating Change


3. Relationships

Authentic Relationships with Yourself – Your Peers & Your Loved ones


4. Financial Freedom / Money

Your relationship with Scarcity & Abundance


5. Inspiration

Ignites your spark Expression

These are all connected.
Make an impact in one Cornerstone – there will be a ripple effect in every other area.


The TOC Ripple effect


When you make an impact on your Health and create lifestyle habit changes that give you more energy – you will create an impact on how you show up in the time you spend at work, home, and play.

YOU already have a set of keys to unlock any doors that are preventing you from shifting you to access your upper limits.

WE get to be present with you in conversation to peel away limitations to access & own your zone.

We deeply listen to your words to stretch & challenge where you want to go.

And ……co-create your purposeful everyday.

Life coaching packages

made simple tailored collaboratively suited for you.

Transforming ‘LIFE’ into your ‘EVERYDAY’

Benefits & Outcomes of Life Coaching?

You get to where you want to go faster & create shortcuts to your sustainable change


YOU get clarity on where YOU can create the impact YOU want.


When you have clarity:


  • Your confidence multiplies infinitely.
  • Insecurities and self-doubt move out.
  • Your voice & presence move in.
  • Your energy & vitality takes a kick up the rear
  • You redefine your relationship with yourself
  • You smash out your goals
  • You breakthrough perceived limitations or barriers.
  • Your emotional resources motivate you to take bold action.
  • You navigate tough conversations with ease
  • You create the everyday you most want.
  • You become ALL You. (not part you)


Hear about experiences and insights in our Success Stories

When you work on your Inner Game –your Outer Game takes care of itself
When you work on your Inner Game –your Outer Game takes care of itself

Experience your more in 3 easy steps

1. Discover

Experience 60 minutes focused only on you to Explore your Choices, Create Limitless Possibilities for your New Horizons.

2. Nourish

Explore safe conversations that enable you to navigate your chart and surf your WAVE with ease and flow.

3. Thrive

Celebrate progress NOT perfection. Practicing Habit Change & Failing means you are taking action and growing. Small Steps - BIG Impact

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .