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Vitality & Habit Change


There is no greater Wealth than your Health.

There is no wealth without your Health.

Become a Master of your
own Habit Change.

TOC Seal Small Steps Big Impact

Vitality & Habit Change

There is no greater Wealth than your Health. There is no wealth without your Health. Become a Master of your own Habit Change.

What is Health Coaching?

TOC Seal Small Steps Big Impact

What is Health Coaching?

No one on their death bed ever says they “wished they had worked harder”…

Health issues impact the way you do everything in your every day – at home, at work and at play.

Health Coaching has roots in established disciplines that draw on human potential, personal growth & development, and numerous areas of psychology including CBT, Neuroscience, Neuroplasticity, Neurolinguistics Programming – NLP


Health coaching:


Is a process not an event that involves learning, unlearning and relearning Positively impact your physical, mental & spiritual wellness.


A Health Coach will partner you to:


  • Employ the art of science within a trusted collaborative partnership.
  • Holds space to unpack challenges & access your solutions.
  • Create lifestyle improvement through cultivating Habit Change.
  • Address any negative habits or patterns that might prevent you from following through with your plan.
  • Create Accountability, Action & Impact.
  • Work with your 3 brains (head, heart and your gut)
  • Enable you to discover how to use your resources
  • Create sustainable & consistent lifestyle change so that you can Thrive with more Energy and Vitality.


The gold of TOC Health Coaching.

You have a set of beliefs that guide your internal compass to determine:


  • Who you are?
  • What you are capable of?
  • What is possible for you & your health?


When you invest in yourself – you create shifts in your belief systems and your core identity.


We are masters of Transformation of your Beliefs & Identity so that you get to own your Expression of Personal Power.

The power of coaching


Percent improvement to self confidence


Percent improvement to Relationships


Percent improvement to Communication


Percent improvement to Work Performance
Source: ICF Global Coaching Study 2020
Transforming ‘LIFE’ into your ‘EVERYDAY’
Transforming ‘LIFE’ into your ‘EVERYDAY’

Who needs a Health Coach?

You, and the change you want to create, are unique to you, and there is no ONE solution.


QUESTION: Are you in PAIN in these areas…


  • OVER Working?
  • OVER Thinking?
  • OVER Surfing?
  • OVER Medicating?
  • OVER Giving?
  • OVER Whelmed?


And your truth is that you are…


  • OVER Drinking
  • OVER Eating
  • OVER Weight


And as a result, you are…..


  • UNDER Sleeping
  • UNDER Caring
  • UNDER Performing and in turn
  • UNDER Happy
  • UNDER Whelmed.


STOP! We can guide you out of this cycle.

It’s time for Change. NOW.
One size or way does NOT fit all.
Diets don’t work.

As a human – You are unique and we work with your uniqueness.


“When you change the inner game – the outer game takes care if itself”


At Tides of Change & The Wave, we take an individual holistic (whole) approach to Health & Vitality Coaching and tune our content to create change in the specific area of your challenge.

Imagine feeling aligned where you can get more done in less time and feel
your X – factor at the end of every day.

Across these areas, we are able to create impact and be by your side as you move into a healthier version of yourself – mentally, physically and energetically.

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Why invest in yourself with a Health Coach?

As our globe redefines its course, we all have become familiar with uncertainty and managing our fears. There has never been a more important time to invest in your wellbeing & vitality.

We invest time to get to know YOU.
Discover where you are, understand what you need, and design a chart to shine a light into those areas that keep you

1) awake at night and
2) stuck at a pain point.

Here at TOC, Health Coaching enables you to become a Master of your Habit Change. We guide you to take Personal responsibility as CEO of your own every day, your ambitions & your dreams.


YOU already have a set of keys to unlock any doors that are preventing you from shifting you to access your upper limits.


You get to:


  • Up-level your everyday.
  • Learn, unlearn and relearn.
  • Create even more impact on your Health + Vitality.
  • Unlock barriers & fears, connect to yourself & your challenges.
  • Take empowered action.
  •  Access & own your zone.


We get to:


  • Deeply listen to your words.
  • Be present with you in conversation and peel away limitations.
  • Stretch & challenge where you want to go.
  • And ……co-create your health and habits in your everyday.


Small Steps – Big Impact

Through Active Inquiry, a Health Coach will enable you to:

”Believed in me so passionately, i learnt how to take steps to truly become myself. An experience that i could never have done on my own. No more glass ceilings - anywhere!
Lianne P - Sydney, Australia.

Health coaching packages

made simple affordable collaborativley suited for you.

Transforming ‘LIFE’ into your ‘EVERYDAY’

Outcomes of investing in a Health Coach?

  • You own your magic in your self-leadership of your Health Vitality and Energy.
  • YOU get clarity on where YOU can create the impact YOU want in your HEALTH.


When you have CLARITY:


  • Your confidence multiplies infinitely.
  • Insecurities and self-doubt move out.
  • Your voice & presence move in.
  • Your energy takes a kick up the rear
  • You redefine your relationship with yourself
  • You smash out your goals
  • You breakthrough perceived limitations.
  • Your emotional resources motivate you to take BOLD ACTION.
  • You STOP what you don’t want & START what you do want with ease
  • You become ALL You. (not part YOU)

MORE of these:

  • Self Expression
  • Clarity & Focus
  • Personal Insights
  • Vulnerability
  • Momentum
  • Energy
  • Self Care
  • Self Efficacy
  • Self Compassion
  • Contentment
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Gratitude
  • Joyfulness
  • Fun
  • Love for yourself & others
  • Empowerment

And way LESS of this:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Striving
  • Procrastination
  • People Pleasing
  • Paralysis
  • Pain
  • Unfulfillment
  • Dissatisfaction

MORE of these:

  • Self Expression
  • Clarity & Focus
  • Personal Insights
  • Vulnerability
  • Momentum
  • Energy
  • Self Care
  • Self Efficacy
  • Self Compassion
  • Contentment
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Gratitude
  • Joyfulness
  • Fun
  • Love for yourself & others
  • Empowerment

And way LESS of this:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Striving
  • Procrastination
  • People Pleasing
  • Paralysis
  • Pain
  • Unfulfillment
  • Dissatisfaction

Imagine operating from a place of your MORE?

“Work on the inner game – the outer game takes care of itself.”


Our step-by-step approach sets you up for inevitable success to activate your desires in bite-size chunks.

We are able to create impact and be by your side as you own your zone.

The GOLD of Health Coaching.

You get to up-level your everyday and create even more impact – for your Health and Vitality.

We guide you there!


IF you are still in doubt, check out this helpful article from Harvard Medical School
2020 – Is Health Coaching Effective?



Hear about experiences & insights in our Success Stories

When you work on your Inner Game –your Outer Game takes care of itself
When you work on your Inner Game –your Outer Game takes care of itself

Experience your more in 3 easy steps

1. Discover

Experience 60 minutes focused only on you to Explore your Choices, Create Limitless Possibilities for your New Horizons.

2. Nourish

Explore safe conversations that enable you to navigate your chart and surf your WAVE with ease and flow.

3. Thrive

Celebrate progress NOT perfection. Practicing Habit Change & Failing means you are taking action and growing. Small Steps - BIG Impact

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Life Coaching

Career & Leadership Coaching