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My Story

Introducing Sarah

R.A.W – Real Authentic Words

Imperfect. Flawed. Human. Just like you.

Hi, I’m Sarah

A lover of the oceans, waterfalls, mountains, travel,  food, dance, music, the arts – friends, family and my fuzzball HB – a lifelong learner observer of human behaviour.

Oh, and did I mention that inspiring change work for others invigorates my mind, body and soul?

I lead on challenge-seeking to overcome what’s in your way so that as we
challenge-solve, you experience insight & create your solutions so you can have more time and more energy for more of what you love.


Corporate Quitter to Wellpreneur


A deserter after 25 years grinding the corporate cogs for international organisations. Blending a leader in Business & a leader in life, with my passion for people, family, human potential, personal inspiration & happiness fuels my everyday.

Staying stuck in any area of your everyday, simply sucks.

A Catalyst will guide you to create changes in your world & you can have fun doing it.

With a lengthy list of accredited certifications in the art & science of Coaching for Health, Leadership & Career, NLP, EFT & Mindfulness – years of study, 1000+ hours of practice as a Professional Coach with experience of surfing the waves and nuances of Business, Relationships, Finances, Health & Family – you are in safe hands.

Invaluable to all of the above is the integration of the theory into our everyday.
I was, and continue to be the first client of my work.

Thought work and mastering Habit Change has been an integral part of my personal transformation.

I’m flawed & perfectly imperfect – just like you – I’ve ridden some high seas through the experiences of being human – just like you.


My 3 F’s –  Family, Friends and Fun


Most real, my roles are plentiful.

Yes! I’m a Business Owner.

Having married a kiwi, I have bases & centres in 2 hemispheres.
A family rooted in varied business & entrepreneurial initiatives.

I’m a sister to 10 siblings who are all in the UK including Pete, our Downs Syndrome baby bro, who taught me essential lessons around accepting differences in all aspects of being human.

I’m an Auntie to 27 Nieces & Nephews, a Great Auntie to 14, a Godmother to 9 & a loyal, caring & fun friend to many living around our precious globe.

Married for 21 years – often a seriously diplomatic wife (!) & frequently a tired mum to our 2- now gigantic sons – Josh 21 & Ollie 16 who have been my teachers of my flaws and imperfections.  With the joy of experiencing unconditional love, we all compete for the attention of our family fuzzball – Honey Belle.

Family units & dynamics have been part of my identity & intrigue for a lifetime.

If I haven’t faced the challenges that you have in front of you, it’s highly likely that I have been in conversation with someone who has.

I only ever meet you – exactly where you are & we go with what’s right there.

I adore expanding creativity, love & resourcefulness so that inspiring epic humans like you can own your zone and do the same.

Sarah Linton Signature

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Let’s chat over a virtual cuppa. . .

Continual Professional Development (CPD)

Professional & Ethical Practice aligns me with my purpose to do the work that I do and the deep work others do as we co-create change and transformation.

Continual Professional Development (CPD) requires me to continue growing.

Not hard as a lifelong learner!
Investing in my training and development over a decade enables me to live my life – right on purpose.

I’ve logged over 1,000 hours of Professional Coaching since I first launched as a Catalyst Coach in 2016.  I am aligned with the ICF Code of Ethics and continue to invest in Coaching to nourish my brain & continual expansion.

These hours of work with Whole, Resourceful, Creative, Capable humans have given me an expansive base of working with the human experience.

Making the transition from Business Leader to Leader at home as a Parent
(& an often diplomatic wife) to a Catalyst Health & Leadership Coach has been the most innovative and accomplished chapter in my story.

My personal transformation gives me an unparalleled appreciation for a purposeful every day where I get to do my best work with courageous humans that I respect, admire, love, and learn from – all whilst having fun as we go..

Having been the first client of my work.

I can only take our explorers as far as I have been prepared to go myself.

My growth & evolution have impacted my experiences and directly influences how I empower our change-makers to grow themselves.

Continual Professional Development (CPD)

Professional & Ethical Practice aligns me with my purpose to do the work that I do and the deep work others do as we co-create change and transformation.

Continual Professional Development (CPD) requires me to continue growing.

Not hard as a lifelong learner!
Investing in my training and development over a decade enables me to live my life – right on purpose.

I’ve logged over 1,000 hours of Professional Coaching since I first launched as a Catalyst Coach in 2016.  I am aligned with the ICF Code of Ethics and continue to invest in Coaching to nourish my brain & continual expansion.

These hours of work with Whole, Resourceful, Creative, Capable humans have given me an expansive base of working with the human experience.

Making the transition from Business Leader to Leader at home as a Parent
(& an often diplomatic wife) to a Catalyst Health & Leadership Coach has been the most innovative and accomplished chapter in my story.

My personal transformation gives me an unparalleled appreciation for a purposeful every day where I get to do my best work with courageous humans that I respect, admire, love, and learn from – all whilst having fun as we go..

Having been the first client of my work.

I can only take our explorers as far as I have been prepared to go myself.

My growth & evolution have impacted my experiences and directly influences how I empower our change-makers to grow themselves.

Life Coaching

When we work together, your life changes.

Health Coaching

Vitality & Habit Change

Leadership & Career Coaching