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Sarah Linton

Professional & Personal Coach


Stress: Make it your friend so you can Rest & Digest, before it gets the better of you.


Stress can affect all aspects of our lives, including our emotions, behaviours, thinking ability, and physical health.


  • No part of our body is immune.
  • We all handle stress differently and your symptoms can vary.
  • Stress can often go undiagnosed until we become completely depleted in that burnout zone.

Let’s face it we are human – we all have levels of stress in our lives.

No B/S here.

Our response to short term stress is critical to our survival.

Stress & Anxiety sends messages to our brains that interpret we are under threat.

The part of the brain cannot decipher if we are about to be eaten by a Tiger or we are struggling with our thoughts & feelings.

Our brain evolved to handle threats by powering the fight or flight response – ready for action.

Here, we’ll summarise

  • The 5 step stress response
  • Introduce you to Cortisol
  • What to look out for

Our precious body is working overtime in this state and it drains your Energy bank account.



The 5 Step Stress Response

Stress Response




The Stress Hormone – Cortisol


The Stress response releases the STRESS hormone CORTISOL.

Cortisol is produced from cholesterol in the 2 Adrenal Glands that sit on top of each kidney.

The role of Cortisol is hugely important & affects nearly every cell in the body.
It is crucial to protect overall health & wellbeing


Role of Cortisol


  • Assists regulate blood sugar levels
  • Regulates metabolism
  • Helps reduce inflammation
  • Assists with memory formulation.
  • Helps balance salt and water balance & regulates blood pressure
  • For women, cortisol also supports the development foetus during pregnancy.

Our brains are unable to distinguish between physiological & physical stress and think we are continually
being chased by the Sabre-toothed tigers, Lions or Bears.

With cortisol levels raised,  you will be in the “Fight, Flight or Freeze” response.

Cortisol partners with Adrenaline and gets our body ready to run – very fast!






8 Symptoms of Stress and
Why do they kick in?


1) Elevated heart rate – to pump adrenaline around the body

2) Breathe becomes more rapid –to increase oxygen intake

3) Pupil dilations – to increase light in the eyes

4) Sweat production – to regulate temperature

5) Muscles tighten

6) Pulse Rate & Blood pressure rise

7) Increased blood flow to the muscles in our arms and legs to allow us to respond to a physical threat – ie Run fast away from that tiger!

8) Diverts blood flow from the stomach and closes down digestion – you can’t digest anything in your stomach when you are running from that tiger! – to increase energy to other essential functions.


When this part of the brain is activated, it takes from the rational parts of the brain needed for logic, problem-solving & emotional responses.

After the physical danger has passed, our system works hard to return hormone levels to normal.

When the stressors remain – the cortisol levels continue to be released into our system.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have learned not only how & why these reactions occur but have also gained insight into the long-term effects chronic stress has on physical and psychological health – it’s not a pretty picture and we are passionate for you to become aware of your stressors and develop an action plan to remove them.

If you are curious to know more, take a look at this article that explains the Science behind Understanding the Stress Response
in more depth.



The Stress Response



Immune System Boost



3 techniques to prioritise and counter The Stress Response


1) Relaxation


2) Physical Activity

Get moving in whatever way works for you. Keep your heart rate up through movement.


3) Connect with Social Companions

We are human and a social species. A connection is vital for our sense of belonging and wellbeing.

SELF CARE is vital in the management of our Stressors.

See  our 9 Powerful & Easy Hacks to Reduce Stress – NOW



This is part of our Why for our Ebook as our gift to you xx A free guide to create more Time, Get more Sleep & have more energy.
Download it at the link below.


If you are ready to uplevel and make an impact on your future and go further faster
book a cuppa with your Catalyst Coach HERE.


Step into a future version of yourself. We can accelerate your outcomes with you.
You have everything to gain.


Remember, sustainable change happens one step at a time.


Take care of you,

Sarah Linton Signature





  • Our bodies work in overdrive when we are affected by stress
  • Many organs in our bodies are impacted
  • Lowering Cortisol levels is essential for our health
  • Self Care is vital in managing stress
  • Breath to slow down, move to release & reach out to connect.


2 final questions for your reflection …


Are you feeling that you are in fight, flight or freeze mode more often than you would like?

Where are the stressors in your life?



At the Tides of Change & The Wave, we can walk with you to connect to
your purpose and make living your intentional life your reality.


Book your Complimentary 60 minute Consult here


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Sarah Linton

Sarah Linton is a Catalyst for change and impact specialising in making change a reality for personal and professional evolution. A former business leader at global organisations including the Walt Disney Company. A Director, Master Coach, Mum and Founder of Tides of Change & The Sarah is passionately connected to her True North as a prolific creator of new horizons & holding that as a vision for her clients partnering across time zones in the UK, USA & Asia Pacific.

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