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Sarah Linton

Professional & Personal Coach



Am I Enough?
The Slippery Slide to Burnout


It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, where you live, what you do,  many of us that have an inner doubt and continually– 3 small words yet fuel thoughts and emotions. Close your eyes and ask yourself….

Am I Enough?




In a world where striving seems to be required at home, work & play, the expectations we put on ourselves can send us into a spin & a spiral.

Mums, Dads, over-performing professionals & students are being spread so thinly it’s only a matter of time before something buckles.


We are putting it on ourselves to

  • Continually create memories,
  • Eat gastro style most days,
  • Renovate homes,
  • Work out,
  • Look great,
  • Share the family & household responsibilities,
  • Succeed in our careers,
  • Run our own businesses
  • Be hands-on supporting parents,
  • Encourage our kids to embrace & experience all the opportunities in our world.

Because we get caught up in feeling we need to engage with everything available we are stretched to capacity & beyond.

Being present on the side-lines of sports matches, spending time with loved ones, providing & looking after ageing relatives & still attempting to glide through without letting on we have ‘swans feet’ paddling so fast under the watermark.




4 Drivers that can create the
‘Am i Enough’ Burnout 


In 2016, I was on a @BreneBrown course with a Master in Psychology who introduced us to this and it spoke so loudly
around what creates Striving vs Thriving.

I have met so many people who have got caught out striving hard to the point of exhaustion, become disconnected from
who they really are & want to be Vs.  who they think they need to be!

  • Location – where you live
  • Vocation – what you do
  • Education – where & how you educate & engage with your kids
  • Vacation – where you go on holiday

These FOUR are often subliminally caught up in perceived status & your identity.

Sadly & foolishly you tell yourself unless these are ticked on the list  … you are not worthy  …there is a tonne of self-sabotage in play.

Enter Mr & Mrs Incredible ……. Superheroes get tested with these superhuman expectations on themselves.




Burnout Superheros



Are you on the edge of Burnout?


Running our lives as superheroes impacts how we are truly showing up as a professional, business leader, a parent within our families & friendships and more importantly – to ourselves.

It is no wonder we feel stressed, overwhelmed and operate way too close to our burnout zone.

Do you know that feeling of overwhelm, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands?

All too often we are putting everyone, everything ahead of ourselves, pleasing others and giving much of ourselves away leaving us drained & on the edge.
In our connected world, the art of comparing ourselves to others creates even more layers of anxiety and stress.

Overwhelmed, Under Slept, Overworked, Under Happy sums up a growing trend of how we are living our lives.



Burnout and the WHO?


– Am I enough?

In May 2019 The World Health Organisation categorised burnout as an occupational phenomenon in the International Classification of Diseases.

“Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed & is characterised by 3 dimensions:

1) Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion.
2) Increased mental distance from one’s job or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job.
3) Reduced professional efficacy.

As a result, the WHO embarked on the development of evidence-based guidelines on mental well-being in the workplace & we are in transition to be open to talking more openly.



Am I Enough - Burnout


Burnout: Shining a light to say
the 3 hardest words ‘I need Help’


Getting curious around the topic can be the AHA moment that you need. Ask yourself…

  • What is it that I worry about what others may think or their judgements of me?
  • What stops me from being vulnerable and showing my truth?
  • WHY do I feel inadequate?

Is that FEAR stopping me from saying these 3 little words “I need help”?



Peel back the layers of your onion


Those layers of your onion are well & truly present.

Peel them back and we reveal some of the stories you tell yourself.

Sound familiar?

Firstly, you don’t feel that you deserve the attention.

Secondly, you have told yourself that others are more important and putting you ahead of them is selfish.

Most importantly, who is running the gig here?


Your internal dialogue or you?


We can question if we deserve to give ourselves, the same as we give to others.

Why do we continually stop ourselves from being or having more?
(More Clarity, Confidence, Connection, Balance & Vitality)

Similarly, when we juggle too many balls – whilst ‘running on that treadmill’ – smiling on the outside – yet crumbling on the inside,
life is, in fact, passing us by without the joy that we are so worthy of, we are most certainly heading for that burnout zone.



I am Enough



Burnout and Am I enough?


Curious to know “Am I enough?” – Hell YES you ARE enough!
Shout it from the rooftops…YOU are ENOUGH!
Accept it.

Firstly LEARN all the ways you are enough.

Secondly, UNLEARN the patterns that tell you that you are NOT enough.

And finally, RELEARN how to embrace freedom from everything that held you back.



4 Questions to ask yourself


It can be uncomfortable to accept – even painful to know…let that marinate for a moment whilst you reflect over a cuppa …
ask yourself these 4 questions.

1) Where in my life is this showing up as my truth?
2) What would change or would I do differently if I accepted that I am enough?
3) What would my family, friends notice me doing that is different from now?
4) What is the one step I can take to make this my reality?


When you know you are enough – the next step is to truly believe it.


See 9 Powerful & Easy Hacks to Reduce Stress – NOW


If you are struggling to get clarity on what you want & how you feel
book in with your Catalyst Coach HERE.

We can accelerate your outcomes with you.




I am Enough



If you are ready to uplevel and make an impact on your future, and go further faster
book a cuppa with your Catalyst Coach HERE.


Step into a future version of yourself. We can accelerate your outcomes with you.
You have everything to gain.


Remember, sustainable change happens one step at a time.


Take care of you,

Sarah Linton Signature





  • Burnout is an occupational phenomenon.
  • You are not alone.
  • There is no shame in asking for help.
  • Overwhelm in any one area of your life does mean you are not enough.
  • It takes courage to take action.
  • Self Care isn’t selfish.


2 final questions for your reflection.


Have you noticed any patterns where you continually strive
to feel enough leaving you feeling guilty & exhausted


What needs your attention right now?



At Tides of Change & The Wave, we walk with you to connect to
your purpose and make living your intentional life your reality.


We love to hear from our community!

Leave your insight or comments below.

Sarah Linton

Sarah Linton is a Catalyst for change and impact specialising in making change a reality for personal and professional evolution. A former business leader at global organisations including the Walt Disney Company. A Director, Master Coach, Mum and Founder of Tides of Change & The Sarah is passionately connected to her True North as a prolific creator of new horizons & holding that as a vision for her clients partnering across time zones in the UK, USA & Asia Pacific.

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